Thursday, May 28, 2020

the End of PQ Quarantine

I think people are just getting tired of this challenge, frankly. Many people have been able to go on with their jobs and life, therefore, this challenge is not so much fun as a burden. I totally understand it. I see all sorts of people going about their business and ignoring the Virus. 
I am still waiting for my job to open and I think they are waiting to see how other theme parks go about opening and what the outcomes are. I get it. I think there's going to be a point where we just can't do it safely and we'll just have to throw our hands up and do it. 
In the meantime, I'm still sheltering at home and just made a trip to the grocery store yesterday. I think that was my trip for the week. 
People are not exactly following simple rules anymore. 
It is crazy how many items are out of stock at the store, most notably meat, but odd things as well. Every time I go, it's an adventure that I've never experienced before. 
  Anyway, here's my latest piece, because I'm still in  self- quarantine and still quilting. But, my quilting has slowed down as the garden takes my focus and, frankly, I'm not very inspired to quilt this week. I am still making a house a day. I'm on week 11. 


  1. I'd like to hear more about how you made your masked project. I can't tell if it's done with some paper or all fabric. Is it a self-portrait? I'm also curious about the finished size of the piece. I like it (and its message) SEW much!

  2. hi Joy, It's an 8" x8" shadowbox frame. That allows for the depth and layers of fabric in there. It is all fabric. the background are pieced scraps from snowballing corners from a larger quilt. The figure and the writing sections are sewn onto very stiff interfacing (I forget what it's called at the moment). The basics are just appliqued after that.
